Conçu pour les avions à réaction
Design ultraléger
Commande tactile pour activer la communication
Bluetooth et non-Bluetooth
Trois modes de réduction du bruit
Certifié aux normes TSO de la FAA et E/TSO-C139a
Micro et câble ajustables

Casque d’aviation ProFlight série 2

note client 4,3 sur 5
Conçu pour les pilotes d’avion à réaction, le casque d'aviation ProFlight série 2 combine des caractéristiques à la fine pointe à un confort exceptionnel, redéfinissant la norme de la communication en vol. Une personnalisation au bout des doigts avec des configurations de branchement multiples, y compris des options Bluetooth® et non Bluetooth à double fiche et à 5 broches. Se connecte facilement aux appareils mobiles, systèmes audio et sacs de vol électroniques à l’aide de l’application Bose Connect pour profiter de liberté de mouvement sans compromettre la qualité du son. La priorisation audio améliorée vous permet de combiner sans effort l’audio Bluetooth aux transmissions de l’interphone ou de mettre le Bluetooth temporairement en sourdine pour vous concentrer sur les communications essentielles, vous offrant un contrôle et une commodité sans précédent dans le poste de pilotage.
  • Il n’en reste plus que quelques-uns!

Prix :


Conçu pour les avions à réaction
Design ultraléger
Commande tactile pour activer la communication
Bluetooth et non-Bluetooth
Trois modes de réduction du bruit
Certifié aux normes TSO de la FAA et E/TSO-C139a
Micro et câble ajustables
Casque d’aviation ProFlight série 2
  • Il n’en reste plus que quelques-uns!

Prix :


Détails du produit

box content
Ce qu’il y a dans la boîte
  • Casque d’aviation ProFlight série 2
  • Étui de transport
  • Crochet pour l'étui de transport
  • 2 piles AA
  • Support pour le module de commande
  • Trois tailles d'embouts StayHear+ (P, M, G)
  • Guide de l'utilisateur
Ajustement du casque Dans l'oreille
Serre-tête Sur la tête réglable
Coussinets Coussin amovible
Réduction du bruit Non
Type de réduction du bruit Suppression du bruit
Système de produit complet 21.41 cm H x 16.1 cm W x 8.0 cm D (0.9 kg)
Matériau du produit Cuir (protéine), Plastique, Métal, Silicone, Acier inoxydable
Autonomie de la batterie 45 heures
Connectivité sans fil Bluetooth
Application Bose Application Bose Connect

Nous avons apporté plusieurs améliorations en fonction des commentaires reçus de nos clients. L'amélioration la plus importante est le câble plus mince, plus léger et beaucoup plus flexible qui améliore le confort et la stabilité, et qui réduit le poids sur la tête de 11 grammes (0,4 onces). La commande tactile pour l'intercommunication a été améliorée. La tige du micro comprend maintenant des ailettes qui vous aident à aligner et ajuster correctement le micro. Finalement, l'étui de transport a été amélioré pour permettre un entreposage plus rapide et le transport avec l'ajout d'une boucle et d'un mousqueton, et avec un design interne plus ouvert.

Ce sont deux casques complètement différents avec des architectures fondamentales différentes, même s’ils partagent certaines fonctionnalités comme la connectivité Bluetooth, la sélection stéréo/mono et la mise en marche ou hors tension automatique. Le casque A30 présente un design circum. Il est conçu pour les avions plus bruyants, comme les monomoteurs non pressurisés. Le ProFlight série 2 est un casque d’aviation intra-auriculaire avec serre-tête. Il est conçu pour les appareils avec équipage, habituellement pressurisés et moins bruyants, comme la plupart des jets.

Les clients peuvent configurer leur casque d'aviation ProFlight série 2 de plusieurs façons. Ils peuvent choisir parmi les configurations de branchement pour chaque module. Chaque configuration de branchement est disponible en variantes avec et sans Bluetooth, avec prise double et connecteur à 5 broches. Conçu pour être utilisé à la fois dans des appareils civils et militaires, le casque d’aviation ProFlight série 2 offre la plupart des configurations de connecteurs les plus courantes :

Fiche double G/A (PJ 068 et stéréo 6,35 mm) : Dans cette configuration, le casque est raccordé à l’interphone de l’appareil au moyen d’une fiche double et il n’est pas alimenté par l’appareil. Deux piles alcalines AA assurent un minimum de 45 heures d’utilisation en vol. Il s’agit de la version la plus courante achetée par les pilotes.

Connecteur XLR à 5 broches : Souvent appelé « connecteur Airbus », cette configuration offre une connexion mono à l’avion et il peut, selon l’installation, être alimenté par l’appareil. Lorsque le casque est débranché, il passe sans coupure de l’alimentation par l’avion à l’alimentation par piles grâce à la fonctionnalité d’alimentation flexible. Ainsi, les utilisateurs ne subissent aucune interruption lorsque le casque est branché et débranché.

Connecteur à 6 broches alimenté par l’appareil (LEMO) : Dans cette configuration, le casque est raccordé à l’appareil au moyen d’un connecteur à 6 broches et il est alimenté directement par l’appareil. Lorsque le casque est débranché, il passe sans coupure de l’alimentation par l’avion à l’alimentation par piles grâce à la fonctionnalité d’alimentation flexible. Ainsi, les utilisateurs ne subissent aucune interruption lorsque le casque est branché ou débranché.*

*Des adaptateurs de Bose permettent de convertir un connecteur à 6 broches en une fiche double G/A ou un connecteur U174 pour davantage de possibilités de branchement.

Oui. Les coussinets latéraux reposent légèrement derrière et au-dessus de l’oreille, ce qui vous permet de mettre ou d’enlever vos lunettes sans toucher au casque. Vous pouvez porter pratiquement n’importe quel type de monture sans compromettre la réduction du bruit ou le confort.

Oui. Il est possible d’installer le microphone sur tige avec câble intégré du côté gauche ou droit du casque. Le connecteur autoguidé facilite l’installation du microphone sur tige avec câble. Le câble est facile à changer de côté en quelques secondes sans outil.

Avec deux piles alcalines AA, le casque d’aviation ProFlight série 2 fonctionnera durant au moins 45 heures de vol dans un environnement sonore aérien normal. Si la fonction Bluetooth est utilisée en continu, l’autonomie est d’au moins 25 heures. Comme toujours, la durée de vie des piles varie selon le type de pile, l’environnement sonore et les fonctions utilisées. Le voyant de l’indicateur d'état des piles situé sur le casque indique à l’utilisateur quand il faut remplacer les piles.

L’utilisation de piles rechargeables n’est pas recommandée car l’autonomie sera inférieure aux 45 heures indiquées selon le type de pile utilisé. De plus, leur utilisation semble réduire la précision de l’indicateur d'état des piles. Ainsi, lorsque le voyant passe à l'orange, il reste moins que les 8 heures de vol restantes habituelles auxquelles vous pouvez vous attendre avec des piles alcalines AA non rechargeables.

Les piles au lithium-ion ne doivent pas être utilisées en raison de leur tension habituellement plus élevée.

Les casques qui peuvent être alimentés par l’appareil (connecteurs à 6 broches et connecteurs XLR à 5 broches) s’allument automatiquement lorsque l’alimentation est activée à bord. Selon les préférences de l’utilisateur, il est possible de configurer cette fonction à l’aide d’un interrupteur à l’intérieur du module de commande.

La fonction de mise hors tension automatique du casque d’aviation ProFlight série 2 détecte lorsque le casque n’est pas utilisé et l’éteint au bout de quelques minutes afin d’en préserver la charge. Le casque s’éteint après une période d’inactivité pouvant varier de 6 à 45 minutes.

La norme TSO (« Technical Standard Order ») est une norme de performance minimale pour certains équipements, certaines pièces ou certains appareils utilisés dans l’aviation civile. Lorsqu'une entreprise est autorisée à fabriquer des équipements, des pièces ou des appareils certifiés TSO, cela signifie qu'elle a reçu une autorisation TSO. Lorsqu'une entreprise reçoit une autorisation TSO, elle est assurée que le produit répond aux critères minimaux dans la conception et la production. Bose Corporation répond à tous les critères TSO et en surpasse beaucoup. L’obtention d’une autorisation TSO ne constitue pas une autorisation d’installer et d’utiliser l’article autorisé dans l’appareil.

Le casque d’aviation ProFlight série 2 ne garantit pas la même réduction du bruit totale que le casque d’aviation A30.

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Guide de l'utilisateur

La performance reconnue de Bose. Le confort dont les pilotes de jet ont besoin.

Le casque d’aviation ProFlight série 2, le modèle le plus léger et le plus compact jamais conçu par Bose, intègre les fonctionnalités audio qui font la réputation de la marque, comme la réduction active de bruit et la netteté sonore.

Casque d’aviation ProFlight série 2
Pilot wearing ProFlight Aviation Headset Series 2

Léger, mais durable.

Même s’il est compact avec un poids de 127,6 grammes (4,5 onces), le casque ProFlight série 2 est conçu pour être durable. Ce casque est certifié aux normes TSO de la FAA et E/TSO-C139a de l’EASA, ce qui signifie qu’il a été conçu pour résister aux conditions les plus contraignantes.

Les casques ProFlight série 2 incluent un câble mince, léger et flexible, offrant une liberté de mouvement aux pilotes, ainsi qu’un rangement facile.

Configuration facile pour répondre à vos besoins

Choisissez parmi trois niveaux de réduction active de bruit, contrôlez les connexions sans fil Bluetooth aux appareils mobiles*, aux systèmes audio et aux organiseurs électroniques de poste de pilotage, et gérez les autres fonctions principales du casque ProFlight série 2 à partir du module de commande ergonomique. Le cordon inclus permet un rangement facile et stable durant le vol.

* Avec certains modèles.

Control module of the ProFlight Series 2
Pilots wearing ProFlight Aviation Headset Series 2 using controls

Utilisation et hiérarchisation simplifiées de la connexion Bluetooth dans l’application Bose Connect

Connectez-vous en mode sans fil aux appareils mobiles, systèmes audio et sacoches de vol électroniques grâce aux fonctions Bluetooth en option du casque ProFlight série 2. La hiérarchisation audio vous permet de combiner les canaux Bluetooth et interphone de bord, ou de mettre temporairement en sourdine le son Bluetooth pendant les transmissions via l’interphone de bord.

L’application Bose Connect facilite le partage audio Bluetooth, la gestion des connexions, l’appairage, l’annulation de l’appairage et le renommage des appareils.

Téléphone intelligent affichant l’application Bose Connect
Two pilots wearing ProFlight Aviation Headset Series 2 with sunglare

Plus léger qu'il ne semble, remarquablement solide.

Les tests complets dans le laboratoire d'assurance de la qualité du design Bose permettent de nous assurer que le casque ProFlight est suffisamment solide pour supporter l'utilisation prolongée dans des environnements contraignants. Une garantie limitée de cinq ans dans le monde entier offre encore plus de tranquillité d'esprit.


Casque d’aviation ProFlight série 2 de Bose
  • Personnalisez votre son
    Choisissez parmi les trois niveaux de réduction du bruit active selon vos préférences et l’environnement sonore ambiant.
  • Un son d'une limpidité parfaite
    Une communication claire avec l’équipage et le trafic aérien grâce à une réduction du bruit numérique active.
  • Léger, mais durable.
    Conçu pour survivre aux pires conditions, vous pouvez bouger sans encombre et vivre un vol plus confortable.
  • Prenez le contrôle avec Bose Connect
    L'application Bose Connect facilite le partage audio, la gestion des connexions, l'association et la modification du nom des appareils Bluetooth.

L'ingénierie en action

Le design compact du casque ProFlight série 2 incorpore plus de 30 brevets d'invention et de conception américains.

Pourquoi acheter chez Bose?

Notes et commentaires

Rated 5 out of 5 by from Easy to carry, easy to use! Love my new Bose Proflight 2’s! They’re lightweight, compact, comfortable, and the functions are great. I like to use the noise cancelling on medium setting, so that I can still hear the airplane, but it makes listening to radio calls much easier.
Date published: 2024-01-18
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Great product Good sound quality, Ultra light, noise cancellation effective, very satisfied with all the accessories. However, it would be better to make the headset bigger. It doesn’t fit my head fully even my head isn’t that big.
Date published: 2023-12-18
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Perfect Airline Headset Commercial Airline Pilot flying B-737. Had been using David Clark Pro X 2 for years. Just got too heavy and c-clamp feel on long flights. Still wanted noise canceling headset. Several friends recommended this Bose. So glad I got it. Fantastic and lightweight. Takes a bit to get used to since it fits right in the air..
Date published: 2023-12-13
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Much Improved Over The Original I bought the original ProFlight when it first came out in 2018 and absolutely hated it. I used it for one trip and had to send it back. After a 3-hour flight, it gave me a massive headache. I finally decided to give the Series 2 a go. I'm so glad I did. I've flown 3 days and about 15 hours with it so far. The new cord design is quite improved. I don't feel the pressure or the hot spots anymore. It's extremely lightweight and comfortable. I fly the 737-800 and it's a perfect headset for this jet. I tried the A20s and they were too big and bulky for the Boeing's cockpit. I was previously using the David Clark DCProX, and while a nice headset, the on-ear design did get old after a long day and it didn't block out as much noise. I'm still working with getting the ear pieces to fit just right, but so far so good. The sound quality amazing. The mike is excellent. And, as stated above, it's a very comfortable headset. Even after a 6+ hour day, I don't really feel it. I highly recommend this headset for those that fly noisy jets. Thank you, Bose, for redesigning it so that it's useful and practical!
Date published: 2020-07-18
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Lightweight, Great Design/Features, Bose Quality I have been flying with Bose aviation headsets for just over the last 5 years. My first Bose headset was the A20...which was truly lightyears ahead of my military-issued David Clark. The A20 was lighter, more comfortable (especially on grueling 24-hour flight duty periods), and you really couldn't beat the noise cancelling feature inside of the uninsulated military flight deck. Fast forward a couple of years now and I have changed airframes to something more "civilianized"...this translates into a much quieter flight deck. This is important because we no longer communicate over an ICS system, but just speak to each other in normal voices while moving a headset or earpiece out of the way. This brings me to the ProFlight Series 2 headset. Initially I was a little skeptical of the earpiece inserts, however they are comfortable (especially if you use something similar with your smartphone) and they really help keep out unwanted ambient noise allowing you to keep the volume turned down. I really like the "stow up" feature, which keeps the unused ear piece out of the way, yet it is also conveniently located when it is needed. The volume controls and Bluetooth connectivity are exactly what you would expect from a Bose product. I also like the storage case because I feel it is adequately protecting your investment while also not being too terribly bulky. It just takes a little practice to efficiently stow the cord...but if you are flying airplanes, chances are you can figure it out.
Date published: 2020-07-01
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Fantastic headset! After flying with this headset, professionally at my Part 121 carrier, for the last six months I can say that I am extremely satisfied with the quality of the ProFlight Series 2. Here is what, now, I cannot live without: 1. The sound quality is unparalleled. 2. The light weight of the headset and earpiece molding makes it comfortable to wear for hours on end. 3. Absolutely phenomenal customer service! Bose hit another home run with the PF 2. I'll never go back to a traditional over the ear model again.
Date published: 2020-04-24
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Complete game changer The functionality and ergonomics of the ProFlight 2 place it in a class by itself. As a military pilot I always used to get hot spots or other head pain during long missions. Additionally I had to either fly with one ear cup off or use a single sided headset to talk cross cockpit off interphone. With the ProFlight 2 I can fly without pain and get the protection of noise cancelling without sacrificing CRM.
Date published: 2020-04-23
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Great headset! Version 2 improvemnts! Very happy with the headset (version 2), and it has improved even more since version 1! I’ve been using the headset in the 757/767 aircraft more recently, and it continues to deliver good ANR protection and audio clarity, just as the version 1 did. Of the improvements made include: -Reworked thinner cable overall, and especially between the control box and plugs. -Cables now are more flexible and don’t kink up as much due to their thinner size -The carrying case has been greatly improved by removing the storage brackets inside. So now the headset can just be stored anyway that the user likes. And with the cables being thinner-the headset no longer tries to spring out of the case. -TapThru ANR selection on the ear buds are now more stable than the version 1. Previously and vibration on takeoff/landing would sometimes trigger this feature on v1, but this is no longer an issue on v2.
Date published: 2020-04-07
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Quality I tried my colleague's headset. I couldn't have imagined that it's a gift to have such a great innovation. For the first time I heard superb sound . I don't have to ask say again. Thank you bose.
Date published: 2020-04-05
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Bose Proflight Series 2 Bluetooth w/ XLR plug This review is for the Bose Proflight Series 2 Bluetooth w/ XLR plug for Airbus aircraft. I’ve tested out this headset for a full month’s flying schedule (70 block hours) at a legacy airline. I’ve tested the headset in a variety of A320’s, A319’s, and brand new A321’s (non-NEO); I’m coming to this headset from using the Telex 850 for several years. I haven’t found a ton of reviews on the Series 2 headset so I will try to be as thorough as I can to help out others who are curious. The case itself is larger than I’m used to so I’ve had to reconfigure my flight bag for the larger size. As far as the physical construction: the headset is VERY light, it does not seem like cheap construction at all, but it also doesn’t seem like it’s super rugged either. The control box comes with a rubber strap that fits around the headset holder in the Airbus with only minor stretching. The new cord (which previously had a lot of negative reviews) is now almost identical in size to the cord on the Telex. Very light and very flexible. I’ve had zero instances of tugging or the headset moving around, and that’s through a combination of normal ops and me intentionally trying to whip my head around and get it to move. After a bit you really do forget that it’s sitting on top of your head. The mic is also very flexible and easy to position to your liking. For those that haven’t used the Bose QC20’s, the earbuds are a similar soft material and they work in the same fashion that they sit gently at the edge of your ear canal, you do NOT jam these things into your ear. I would say that the noise cancelling is really good on the high setting. At the high setting it is not 100% silent, as you can still hear the wind noise but it is so muted that you would have to intentionally focus on listening for it. During a normal conversation you barely hear any wind noise. Also, our A320’s are very old and the avionics fans are incredibly loud. This headset really worked well for quieting the loud avionics fans on our older airframes. With that being said, depending on the other guy you can still kind of hear him talking through the noise cancelling without being bothered by wind noise, for what that’s worth. The incoming audio itself is incredibly clear, my only complaint is that the mic seems a bit too sensitive for my liking. In that my own voice seems to be projected louder in my own headset, but numerous crew members have said that they hear me normally, so it must be a function within the headset itself. In terms of the XLR plug, our fleet configuration doesn’t support the auto on/off function. So I’ve been using batteries. The battery life is good (not great), but that’s me using it below FL180, and then turning it off and taking off the headset in cruise. I’ve been able to get a much longer battery life like that. Finally, the tap control for talk through: I don’t hate it, I use it when it’s convenient. It also had some negative reviews from the first version. The Series 2 version seems to work better (compared to the old reviews) just be advised that when you want tap to listen it sounds just like the QC20’s when you turn off the ANR. You can hear clearly, but the sounds might seem amplified/metallic to those not used to it. As far as the old reviews it used to have a problem with the tap control turning on/off during high power settings; I’ve had zero issues with it, it turns on/off when you want it to and that’s it, no inadvertent changes. Overall, the headset is really expensive but it’s a really great headset if you can afford it. After putting several airline trips and 70 some hours on it, I’m happy with it. Bose seems to have taken all of the negative feedback it received and made a large number of improvements with the Series 2.
Date published: 2019-12-28
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Unbeatable Performance & Comfort I have had a chance to try out the Bose Proflight Series 2 over 100 hours of line flying. I am currently flying the Embraer 175 and we get a good mix of various flight regimes during low level and high level flight with the regional flying we do. I may also add that I had the chance to try the initial version of the Bose Proflight as well. I must say, Bose has hit the ball out of the park with this Series 2 headset. It is simply perhaps the best high-performance headset I have used in 11 years of flying. The improvements that have been made are apparent and noticeable. The stability of the headset on the head is fantastic and you can barely feel the headband due it being so light. The longest flight I had a chance to test it on was 3.8 hours block, and after continuous wearing I had no noticeable hotspots or pressure points. As far as the earbuds go the ANR is fantastic; I don’t know how they did it but the amount of noise reduction is impeccable. I also like the fact that it has various modes of ANR that can be tailored to specific operations, as the ANR reduction targets different noise spectrums that vary from aircraft to aircraft. This feature is very useful if one desires to use the headset in more than one aircraft. The tap through feature now works flawlessly. The original Proflight had a tendency for the tap through to activate on TO or landing, however that issue has been fixed with the Series 2 version. It works so conveniently that I now have both earbuds in on pushback, activate the ANR, and tap one ear bud to hear the surroundings until tapping it back into ANR after engine start. A very well thought-out and amazing feature that I now have come to immensely enjoy having. Now onto the chord, it is AMAZING. Bose have gone ahead and completely redone the chord to be extremely mobile and easy to manipulate. Is so thin and light that clipping it and getting it out of the way in the flight deck has become a complete non-issue. The chord is simply now just right. The Bluetooth on the module has been the easiest pairing with the phone I have had with any headset. It is so fast that it pairs within 1 second of flipping the switch on the control module, and away I am making crystal clear calls and/or playing music. The audio quality is outstanding and the module has a switch to control the phone or volume music level. The headset case is super convenient and super easy to get the headset into. Simply putting the headset into the case and wrapping the chord around neatly takes me 5 seconds tops and into the flight bag it goes. I must say the case is super nice and has a convenient pouch for spare batteries and tips. All in all, this might be the last headset I buy for quite a while, or at least for the next 10+ years. Hands down I recommend for you to try it and/or purchase. I certainly won’t ever be going back to wearing a regular on-ear headset again. Bose has listened to pilot' s needs and what they want in high performance flight decks; the Proflight Series 2 headset is the proof of that effort.
Date published: 2019-11-07
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Best Headset Comfortable, noise cancellation is excellent, best headset ever!
Date published: 2019-11-03
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Very happy! I’ve been a Bose Aviation headset user for a number of years now and couldn’t be happier with the ProFlight Series 2! The A20 was perfect for my days in the King Air but found them to be a little cumbersome while in the quieter environment of a jet’s flightdeck. The PFS2 is lighter than the first installment and the cord is much more flexible, permitting easy adjustment. I also found that wearing sunglasses with over-ear headsets became awkward and painful after a few hours. I give the Bose ProFlight Series 2 5 stars!!
Date published: 2019-10-31
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Such a great headset I’ve been an aviation Bose user for a long time. Starting with the Bose X to A20 to the first version of the ProFlight and now Proflight 2.0. I could only stand the original Proflight for about an hour as the huge cord constantly pulled and the headset off my head. But with the thinner and lighter cord of version 2.0 it’s so much better. Great not having huge cups covering my hears, plus being able to wear sunglasses without any pressure. Bose thanks for updating and refining, have always loved your products and customer support/service.
Date published: 2019-10-24
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Excellent Headset! I am a 787 first officer for a major US airline. I previously had the Bose Pro Flight 1 headsets. I really loved the headset but the cord was a little heavy and cumbersome. The new cord on the series 2 is much lighter, and much less cumbersome. Some of the other features about the series 2 that I fell in love with is the excellent quality of the noise canceling, the overall comfort of the headset and the weight. The Pro Flight 2 is extremely light weight and feels great on my head for those long flights. I highly recommend the Pro Flight 2 headset. This headset exceeds my expectations in every way possible!
Date published: 2019-10-21
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Super Comfortable I am using the Bose ProFlight Series 2 Aviation Headset with great happiness for a few months now, I like the in ear feature and it wears light with no pressure felt after prolonged period have it on.
Date published: 2019-10-13
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Great improvement from the first ProFlight I have tried the ProFlight for the last few months. I fly a 737NG and love how it fits into the flight deck and supports my goal of reducing fatiguing noise while reducing weight on my head. Only issue I run into is a hot spot on one ear but that is alleviated if I slightly move the earbud. Great new lighter cord and carrying loop on the case as well. Great product. Highly recommend for anyone who wants light but protective from the noises in the flight deck.
Date published: 2019-10-09
Rated 5 out of 5 by from A very good choice In summer we fly a lot in and out of hot countries. So I was looking for something light and comfortable but still offering very good protection against engine noise. Noise is distracting and makes you tired. So a good ANR should be included as well. Also it should be tough enough to survive in hard working days. When I saw the ProFlight headset the first time I realised this was something new and special. I was a must have for me. Flying a Citation XLS+ with a "normal" headset did not use to be a big problem because the aircraft is not so loud inside. But using the ProFlight turned flying into pure pleasure. The new ProFlight Series 2 offers it all. You can adjust the level for noise cancelling, use tap control to communicate with our cabin attendant. And while waiting on the ground for the passengers you can use the Bluetooth connection to listen to music. It will stop if someone is talking via the intercom. So it is safe es well. The ANR works extremely well. When the engines are running in Ground Idle it is so quiet that you sometimes doubt they are running at all. The new cable also helps a lot. I tried the original ProFlight as well and the cable was too thick. With the improved thinner ProFlight Series 2 cable all is fine for me.
Date published: 2019-10-08
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Massive improvement on the Series 1 I was one of the first people to get the Series 1 when it first came out. I was very excited to get it and was utterly disappointed when I did get it. I don't need to go into the issues, but I sent it back and told Bose what the issues where. To Bose's credit, not only did they give me my money back in full, they took on board my comments, along with others in the community and worked tirelessly to solve the issues. On the back of this, I purchased this new Series 2 and to say the least, it is absolutely amazing. The major crux in the previous version was the cable, this issue has been completely resolved, the new cable is thinner, flexible and far more manageable. It does not pull on your shoulder like the other one did and it makes the overall experience far better and less frustrating. As well as this there was serious interference connecting the Series 1 via the 5-pin connector to the 777 audio panel, this issue has been resolved, there is zero noise and it makes a massive difference. Finally the noise cancelling itself, is far better than the previous set up. I used to have it on loud on the previous headset, now I can have it on medium, again I am very happy. The only negative I have about the headset is where the cable comes out of the assembly itself, it goes forwards, (ie. over your forward shoulder). I really feel that if the cable went rearwards instead of forwards, it would make the cable less obvious and far easier to push out of the way. With that being said, the fact that the cable is thinner, means it's easier to throw over your shoulder in any situation. So overall, this headset is amazing. If you are sitting on the fence about this, get off it and buy it. I have recently flown a 16 hour Ultra Long Range flight and I wore the headset for every second I was in the seat with zero discomfort. Well done Bose for listening to the Pilots and keep up the good work.
Date published: 2019-10-04
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Nice Improvements to an already great headset! I've been using a Bose headsets in corporate aviation for the past 15+ years, beginning with the Aviation X, then the A20 and finally, the ProFlight Series headset since the late 2017. I've appreciated all of the improvements along the way as Bose makes great Aviation Headsets. I was recently afforded the opportunity to test the ProFlight Series 2 and I can honestly say that the latest changes they've incorporated into the design constitute a nice improvement to an already great headset! The headset is lighter than ever and without a doubt, the incorporation of a lighter and more flexible mic cable has greatly improved the comfort level while seated. The earlier generation ProFlight headset had a tendency to pull to the side of the head and occasionally drop down from time to time, due to the stiffness and added weight of the previous version of the cable, especially when reaching down or across the cockpit to complete routine tasks. With the new design, the headset stays in place throughout the flight and I routinely find myself forgetting it's even there which is a nice feeling on a North Atlantic crossing. The Digital Active Noise Canceling feature works very well as expected and having three User Selectable Modes allows pilots to easily adjust the noise attenuation to their personal preference. I really enjoy using the Bluetooth feature incorporated in the headset, especially when departing non-towered airports requiring an IFR clearance. I can easily monitor the traffic frequencies while obtaining my departure instructions via a landline from the cockpit without having to either hang the headset around my neck or removing it altogether as I used to do with previous generation models. The Tap Control is a great feature, although I have to admit that I generally raise the associated earbud onto the temple pad and lock it in place with the plastic hook for the occasional short conversations with the cabin crew or passengers. Finally, the Boom Mic redesign seems to have improved the ability of the foam mouthpiece to stay in place, especially when storing the unit after a flight, which has also been greatly simplified by the removal of the plastic forms incorporated into the storage case of the older model. I truly enjoy using the Bose ProFlight Series 2 headset and l highly recommend them to anyone considering a replacement headset for jet aircraft flight operations.
Date published: 2019-09-25
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Best headset for the professional pilot I've been using the Proflight 2 for some time now and its a much needed improvement over the series 1. Tap-control works flawlessly now and the more durable microphone makes placement great when switching sides. As far as the sound, its very crisp and clear with ATC, intercom, and music/phone calls over bluetooth. I have found that the ANR is best on medium and sometimes I forget to turn it on. The lightness on the head makes flying long haul trips a breeze and no headaches from heavy cramping that other headsets have especially with glasses/sunglasses. The thinner cable is more flexible, doesn't get in the way, and makes for easier stowing in the carrying case. I have used the PF2 worldwide and this is definitely my favorite and go to headset and will be used for many years to come.
Date published: 2019-09-25
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Yet another excellent Bose Product As a pilot I have flown with other Bose Aviation headsets before. The ProFlight Series 2 is yet another excellent product from the aviation headset range of Bose. A true delight to wear during my flights on the B737. Great Active Noise Reduction as you would expect from Bose that will reduce the noise that is commonly annoying on jet aircraft. Low weight so during long working days the comfort is great, I hardly even notice it when I am wearing it. The Tab control allows you to “open” the earpiece to enable conversation with other crewmembers that are not on the intercom system without removing your headset. The Bluetooth connection allows quick and clear connection to your mobile phone for communication with dispatch or maintenance even when in high noise environments, and even without the headset being plugged in to the aircraft. All-in-all an excellent headset for every pilot flying jet aircraft.
Date published: 2019-09-25
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Jet and General Aviation Review I have always loved my Bose A20 (it’s the best!), but have been intrigued with the lightweight earbud style headsets for quite a while. When Bose announced the new Proflight Series 2, I was excited to try it out. After using It for a couple months I am highly satisfied! Especially on long flying days (Airline flying) it’s nice to have a headset that has the high quality noise canceling that Bose is known for and that also doesn’t squeeze your head. It’s very lightweight and durable (I’ve accidently dropped it a couple times in the flight deck and it was totally fine). All around a wonderful piece of equipment and streamlined to fit in my bag easily. The batteries last a very long time and it comes in a very small, yet rugged case. It comes with various size ear pieces that you can customize to fit in your ear the best. I also have worn it in smaller general aviation aircraft. While using the Proflight 2, I could hear everything in the smaller aircraft, but it is louder so I would recommend the A20 for GA flying because it has stronger noise cancellation for the louder planes. I would highly recommend this Proflight 2 for jet, airline or quieter aircraft flying. Overall a wonderful product. If you’re looking for the best, Bose is hands down the way to go!
Date published: 2019-09-25
Rated 4 out of 5 by from Love this headset—needs work on the earbud 🎤 mic I’ve used a Clarity Aloft headset for 15 years and the wire to one of the earpieces finally broke. It was a good headset but I wanted Bluetooth and a clearer and more comfortable ear piece. I have been very impressed so far with the Bose Pro Flight Series 2. It’s light, comfortable, clear, and compact—everything I expected from Bose. The only thing I am a bit disappointed in [take note please Bose] is the mic that allows you to hear another crew member without removing the ear pieces. I fly at FedEx and none of our planes have hot-mic capability for the intercom…I know…it’s crazy to me too. So, we either must leave one ear piece out or be able to hear through it. I was excited about that part of this headset but it isn’t sensitive or clear enough for me to use in our cockpits unless I tell my fellow crew member to speak unnaturally loud. If you guys can fine tune that, this thing will be perfect.
Date published: 2024-08-25
Rated 4 out of 5 by from Very quiet Overall I like these a lot! Still getting used to them.
Date published: 2024-02-06
Rated 4 out of 5 by from Good. Maybe good enough. I fly the Boeing 737; the NG and the Max series. It is a loud cockpit. I’ve used these headsets for two weeks and have worn them for about 40 hrs of flying. The noise attenuation/cancelling level is slightly below that of the Clarity Aloft headset. But the microphone and the sound quality are infinitely better in the Bose. It’s fairly comfortable, the ear pieces do hurt my ear after prolonged use but maybe that’s something to which I’ll get accustomed. The headset quality seems fantastic. My only criticism is that I wish for it to have more noise attenuation/cancelling but this may only be an issue/concern for those flying in loud airplanes such as the B737.
Date published: 2023-12-25
Rated 4 out of 5 by from Light weight & comfortable The pro flight 2 is light weight, comfortable and perfect to use to long flights. I have been using the headset in a Hawker 900XP for approx 2 months now. The sound quality is great & the noise cancelling is excellent, with the ability to double tap an ear piece to turn of noise cancelling on one ear piece being particularly useful. Changing the mic from left side to right side is a little finicky if swapping seats and the mic arm is slightly in the peripheral which can be annoying at first but I quickly adjusted. Overall the product seems well made and durable, I would recommend it to a friend.
Date published: 2019-09-25
Rated 4 out of 5 by from Sound quality second to none! Comfortable, too! I own many Bose products and am a loyal fan! I have owned the Aviation X for years, and had been hoping and waiting for this product! The sound quality is excellent, as I knew it would be, and the comfort level is great. I have worn the headset for over 150 hours of flying in the Airbus 320 so far. My plane is already quite quiet, but once I turn on the ANR, it’s another level – in fact, the "high" setting of the ANR is sometimes too effective! I’m still adjusting to how to wear the headband, as it tends to slide on my hair, especially when I look up at the overhead panel, but it is comfortable. The battery life has been excellent! I am looking forward to many years of use. There is no doubt in my mind that my hearing will be better preserved with the Bose ProFlight Series 2!
Date published: 2019-09-24
Rated 3 out of 5 by from A little noisy I’ve flown with this product on 2 3 day trips with my company. I think the product does an okay job but not up to the level of an over the ear headset.
Date published: 2024-02-15
Rated 3 out of 5 by from I bought this product less than a month ago and so far I’m happy with it but… I wish the controller came with a side tone volume adjustment because the interphone volume is very loud and it picks up a lot of ambient noise causing me to turn the interphone volume down very low but then when talking and radio calls come in I have to turn it back up along with all the loud ambient noise as well. I wished the cord had a slight curvature to the aft to offset where the cord lays. The boom mic could be at least an inch longer so that it could be positioned to the individuals more comfortably position and especially for those who need a longer mic boom. The hooks that hold the earbuds when they are off your head could be just a slight tighter so that as soon as you put them on the glare shield that they don’t fall right back out. The base of the main frame could be just a slight shorter as well in order to fit further away from the ears for hat wearers and sunglasses comfort, along with a slightly longer cord on the earbuds. I thought the medium earbuds cover was good but they kept dislodging after moving my head and yawning, which made it louder and negates the noise canceling, so I switched to the larger ones & so far they seem to be working out better even though I think I could use one that’s just a slight larger than the large it comes with along with a stiffer end piece to help keep them in my ear better.
Date published: 2024-02-11
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